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Startup studio Hexa wants to partner with startups growing too slowly

A few weeks after revealing a successful $22 million fundraising round, Hexa, the Paris-based startup studio, is diversifying its approach beyond the studio model. Introducing “Hexa Scale,” the program aims to collaborate with later-stage companies that have established product-market fit.

Hexa Scale is specifically seeking B2B companies with substantial recurring revenue (preferably between €1 to €10 million annually) but are encountering growth challenges. These companies may have secured seed and Series A funding but are experiencing linear growth. Hexa plans to intervene by providing capital infusion and assistance with operations, international expansion, product development, and marketing.

Influenced by Y Combinator co-founder Paul Graham’s 2012 essay, “Startup = Growth,” which emphasizes the importance of target growth rates over revenue growth amounts, Hexa aims to reinvigorate companies experiencing linear growth. Augustin Celier, with 15 years of experience and co-founder of Uptime, Shuffle, Marc&Aurèle, and CoursdePhilo, will lead this initiative.

Celier expressed his motivation for this endeavor, citing past experiences where companies faced limited options—hypergrowth for continued VC support or settling for slow, linear growth for self-financing or Private Equity. Hexa Scale offers an alternative path for companies in such situations.

Although Hexa is renowned for its role in nurturing successful B2B SaaS startups like Front, Aircall, and Spendesk, this move isn’t entirely unprecedented. The startup studio previously collaborated with Yousign, which currently processes over 5 million e-signatures monthly for 17,000 customers. Hexa Scale signifies Hexa’s commitment to supporting later-stage companies and fostering exponential growth opportunities.

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