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pioneering livestock care: practo for cattle ensures verdant impact through telemedicine access for farmers

In a country boasting the world’s largest livestock population, India’s thriving cattle industry plays a pivotal role in both Agriculture and nutrition. However, addressing the health needs of these animals has been a challenge, given the sparse distribution of veterinary clinics. With less than 12,500 such clinics across the country as of FY22, accessing healthcare for over 536 million cattle, predominantly in rural areas, remains a significant hurdle.

Enter Verdant Impact, a Jaipur-based startup founded in January 2020. This full-stack animal husbandry platform aims to empower farmers to enhance the well-being of their livestock and make informed decisions in livestock trading. At the heart of Verdant Impact’s offerings is “Animal ICU,” a telemedicine facility providing real-time diagnostics, remote monitoring, and virtual veterinary consultations.

The economic repercussions of treatable diseases taking a toll on livestock are staggering. According to NITI Aayog, projected losses due to foot-and-mouth disease alone between 2013-14 and 2015-16 could reach $3.1 billion in severe instances. Recognizing this challenge, Verdant Impact’s founders, including Prahlad, Vimal Shastri, Maya Zeph, and Dr. Navneet Kumar, devised a platform where farmers can upload videos, photos, and detailed descriptions of their animals for remote consultations. This allows owners to receive prescriptions, alternate remedies, or even request an ambulance based on the diagnosis.

Animal ICU quickly gained recognition, prompting invitations from state animal welfare departments in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, and Jharkhand. The platform currently boasts a network of over 1,500 veterinary consultants.

In addition to telemedicine, Verdant Impact utilizes Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for monitoring and tracing cattle health, location, and movement. Implanted underneath the cattle’s skin, these RFID tags provide crucial information to experts, enabling them to assess an animal’s well-being through parameters such as body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate. Notably, the RFID tags also contribute to preventing insurance fraud within the industry.

Prahlad envisions further advancements, including a universal Animal Ancestry Animal Mark that leverages DNA analysis and unique identification techniques. This innovation would enable farmers to trace their livestock’s ancestors, aiding in informed breeding and trade decisions. For instance, the technology could help predict whether a calf is prone to diseases like Lumpy Skin Disease, influencing trade decisions and ensuring transparency in the industry.

In conclusion, Verdant Impact emerges as a transformative force in India’s livestock sector, offering a holistic approach to animal healthcare through telemedicine and innovative technology solutions.

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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