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Survey Reveals Growing Risks of Digital Stalking as Whatfix Unveils Innovative New Product

In a world increasingly reliant on digital connectivity, a recent survey commissioned by cybersecurity company Kaspersky sheds light on concerning trends in online behavior. With insights drawn from 21,000 individuals globally, including 1,000 respondents from India, the survey uncovers the prevalence of digital abuse and invasion of privacy.

According to the survey findings, a staggering 49% of respondents worldwide consider Googling or checking the social media accounts of someone they’ve just started dating as a reasonable precautionary measure. Shockingly, over half (52%) admitted to engaging in this practice themselves when embarking on a new romantic relationship. Particularly alarming is the revelation that 42% of Indian respondents reported experiencing some form of online stalking from a newly acquainted romantic interest.

Delving deeper into digital privacy concerns, the survey highlights that 65% of Indian respondents are willing to share passwords that could potentially compromise their privacy or safety, allowing access to their location. This demonstrates a significant lack of awareness regarding the risks associated with sharing sensitive personal information online.

Furthermore, the survey uncovers a disturbing trend of violence and abuse within romantic relationships, with 54% of Indian respondents reporting instances of mistreatment from current or former partners. These findings underscore the urgent need for greater awareness and education surrounding digital privacy and online safety, particularly in the realm of interpersonal relationships.

Amidst these pressing concerns, technology continues to evolve to address various challenges. Whatfix, a leading SaaS company specializing in IT systems and product showcasing, has unveiled its latest innovation — Mirror. This cutting-edge product aims to revolutionize systems training and product demonstrations by creating hyper-realistic and interactive replicas of web applications.

Mirror enables immersive training experiences and product showcases without the inherent risks of engaging with live systems. By eliminating the need for additional application environments and reducing infrastructure and manpower costs, Whatfix is poised to streamline processes for IT departments and businesses alike.

Notably, Whatfix has bolstered its technological prowess with the acquisition of three patents from the US Patents Office, with an additional 12 patents filed in 2023. These patents encompass groundbreaking technologies such as digital guidance personalization and automated testing, further solidifying Whatfix’s position as an industry leader in digital transformation solutions.

In other industry developments, Happiest Minds Technologies has announced a strategic partnership with AI company Soroco. Leveraging Soroco’s advanced Scout AI model, Happiest Minds aims to empower organizations to solve complex business challenges, optimize operational efficiency, and drive data-driven decision-making.

The partnership between Happiest Minds and Soroco signifies a commitment to innovation and collaboration in harnessing the power of AI to drive tangible business outcomes. By integrating Soroco’s cutting-edge technologies with Happiest Minds’ digital expertise, the alliance seeks to deliver transformative solutions that unlock new possibilities for organizations across industries.

Meanwhile, CitiusTech, a prominent provider of healthcare technology services, has unveiled its Gen AI solution designed specifically for the healthcare industry. Recognizing the growing demand for reliable and trustworthy Generative AI (Gen AI) solutions, CitiusTech’s offering aims to address key quality and trust requirements.

The CitiusTech Gen AI Quality and Trust solution enable healthcare organizations to design, develop, integrate, and monitor Gen AI applications with confidence. By providing robust quality assurance and trust mechanisms, CitiusTech empowers healthcare providers to adopt and scale Gen AI applications enterprise-wide, driving innovation and efficiency in patient care delivery.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, these developments underscore the importance of leveraging technology responsibly while prioritizing privacy, security, and ethical considerations. With ongoing innovation and collaboration, the industry is poised to address current challenges and unlock new opportunities for growth and advancement.

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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