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UK Invests $44M in Europe’s $1.4B Semiconductor Initiative

Post-Brexit, the UK sees collaboration as key to semiconductor advancement. Joining forces with the EU’s Chips Joint Undertaking, the UK pledges £35M for shared R&D efforts.

UK Joins EU’s Chips Joint Undertaking:

In a bid to foster collaborative efforts in semiconductor development, the UK announces its participation in the EU’s Chips Joint Undertaking. By aligning with this initiative, UK-based organizations gain access to a substantial €1.3 billion funding pool earmarked for semiconductor research and development.

UK’s Financial Contribution:

As part of its commitment, the UK pledges £35 million in funding over the next several years to support semiconductor endeavors within its borders. Initial funding of £5 million aims to facilitate applications for funding, with an additional £30 million allocated for further research between 2025 and 2027.

Semiconductor’s Critical Role:

Semiconductors serve as fundamental components in various technological advancements, from AI to consumer electronics and automotive innovation. Recognizing their pivotal role, governments and industry stakeholders are investing heavily in semiconductor research and development.

Opportunities for UK Organizations:

With tens of thousands of eligible UK companies, grants averaging £450,000 offer significant opportunities for innovation and growth. The deadline for grant applications is set for May 14, presenting UK-based entities with a chance to secure funding for their semiconductor projects.

UK’s Post-Brexit Technological Collaboration:

In a post-Brexit landscape, the UK acknowledges the necessity of collaborative efforts in technology advancement. Initiatives like the semiconductor partnership with the EU signify a strategic approach to leverage collective expertise and resources.

EU’s Semiconductor Initiative:

The Chips Joint Undertaking, established under the European Chips Act, aims to reduce Europe’s reliance on semiconductor imports. With a substantial budget of €11 billion, this initiative underscores the EU’s commitment to fostering semiconductor innovation and bolstering its industrial capabilities.

UK’s Strength in R&D:

UK Technology Minister Saqib Bhatti emphasizes the UK’s contribution to cutting-edge research within the semiconductor sector. With a wealth of talent and experience, the UK positions itself as an equal partner in driving semiconductor innovation and advancing technological frontiers.

Challenges and Opportunities:

While the semiconductor market has historically been dominated by a few major players, the UK boasts a burgeoning ecosystem of innovative startups and research institutions.

Despite challenges faced by some players, opportunities for growth and investment abound in the UK’s semiconductor landscape.

Partnership’s Vision:

Jari Kinaret, Executive Director of Chips Joint Undertaking, welcomes the UK’s participation, highlighting the collaborative efforts to enhance Europe’s semiconductor ecosystem. 

Together, UK and EU partners strive to achieve scientific excellence and innovation leadership in semiconductor technologies.


The UK’s collaboration with the EU’s Chips Joint Undertaking marks a significant milestone in semiconductor research and development.

 By pooling resources and expertise, both entities aim to drive innovation, strengthen industrial capabilities, and secure leadership positions in the global semiconductor landscape.

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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