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Driving Forward: Pelikan Mobility’s Innovative Software-Enabled Commercial EV Leasing Solution

The Transition Challenge:

  • Observing the Shift: Increasing presence of electric vehicles (EVs) in commercial fleets, alongside diesel-powered vehicles.
  • Complexity of Transition: Cost and operational complexities hinder a swift transition to an all-electric fleet.

Pelikan Mobility’s Response:

  • Platform Development: Pelikan Mobility develops a platform and leasing solution tailored to ease the transition to EVs for commercial fleets.
  • Seed Round Success: Secures a €4 million seed round from investors including Pale Blue Dot, Frst, Seedcamp, and others.

Optimizing Fleet Operations with EVs:

  • Software Solution: Pelikan Mobility offers a software solution to optimize fleet operations with electric vehicles, catering primarily to diesel fleet operators incorporating EVs.
  • Enhanced Optimization: Utilizing historical fleet data, the platform generates optimization scenarios considering factors such as charging times, pricing, range, and parking space.

Long-Term Cost Analysis:

  • Comprehensive Scenarios: Incorporating operational data, Pelikan Mobility creates long-term scenarios, simulating daily routes, vehicle designs, and charging station configurations.
  • Capital and Operational Expenditure: Considers both capital and operational expenditures, addressing the financial dynamics of commercial fleet management.

Revolutionizing Leasing Contracts:

  • Current Leasing Structure: Traditional leasing contracts designed for internal combustion engine vehicles, with short-term durations based on vehicle resale value.
  • Pelikan Mobility’s Approach: Advocates for longer leasing plans tailored to the longer lifespan of EVs, mitigating resale value risks.

Future Plans and Expansion:

  • Leasing Rollout: Plans to introduce longer leasing plans for commercial EVs starting in the summer, alongside raising a debt fund to accommodate large customers.
  • Customer Base and Tracking: Currently serving seven customers, Pelikan Mobility tracks nearly 100,000 vehicles on its platform, paving the way for widespread EV adoption in commercial fleets.

Conclusion: Pioneering the Electric Fleet Revolution

Pelikan Mobility’s innovative blend of software optimization and finance reform promises to streamline the transition to electric vehicles for commercial fleet managers, signaling a pivotal shift towards sustainable mobility solutions.

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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