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Elon Musk’s Tesla Robot Shows Promising but Limited Skills in Pre-Scripted Laundry Folding Demo

“Tesla’s Optimus Robot Demonstrates T-Shirt Folding at Development Facility, But Autonomy Remains a Distant Goal

Elon Musk recently showcased a video featuring Tesla’s humanoid robot, Optimus, successfully folding a T-shirt on a table at a development facility. While the robot appeared competent in the task, Musk’s subsequent comments revealed some limitations that tempered initial enthusiasm.

In a tweet, Musk noted that he could fold shirts faster than Optimus. Furthermore, the robot was not operating autonomously during the demo, acting more like an expensive marionette or a rudimentary automaton following pre-scripted motions. Musk acknowledged the eventual goal of full autonomy, stating that Optimus “certainly will be able to do this fully autonomously” in the future.

However, Musk’s admission raised questions about the current state of the robot’s capabilities. Recent Tesla highlight reels, showcasing technical prowess, are likely highly scripted and preprogrammed activities emphasizing the bot’s mechanical functionality rather than its artificial intelligence. Musk’s caveat essentially implies that the truly challenging aspects of autonomy lie ahead.

Creating a humanoid robot capable of manipulating soft materials like clothing with human-like precision is a commendable feat of animatronics. Still, suggesting that Optimus is on the verge of becoming a fully functional domestic servant, comparable to a human worker, seems premature. Musk’s ambitious prediction of “within three to five years” for Optimus, made at the robot’s original unveiling last year, appears optimistic given the current state of the technology and the field of robotics in general. In essence, Musk’s timelines often defy conventional expectations, and this case seems no different, with the realization of a fully autonomous Optimus facing considerable challenges in the years to come.”

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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