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Empowering Change: 10 Key Stats Shaping Women’s Entrepreneurship in India in 2023

In the quest for sustained economic growth, the role of women in entrepreneurship stands as an indispensable pillar.

However, despite comprising nearly half of India’s population, women remain underrepresented in the startup landscape, signaling untapped potential and systemic hurdles hindering their entrepreneurial journey.

Key Findings:
  1. Investor Caution Reflects in Deal Volumes:
    • In 2023, the number of deals in women-led startups plummeted by 34.58%, indicating a cautious investment climate.
  2. Decline in Funding Quantum:
    • Total funding for women-founded startups witnessed a significant decline of 73.9%, emphasizing the challenges in securing financial backing.
  3. Reduction in Investor Participation:
    • The number of investors engaging in funding women-led startups decreased by 41%, signaling a need for renewed investor confidence.
  4. Emphasis on Early-stage Funding:
    • Despite challenges, early-stage startups received substantial attention, essential for fostering a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  5. Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Sector Flourishes:
    • D2C emerged as a favored sector among women entrepreneurs, presenting promising opportunities for female-led ventures.
  6. Retail Dominates Deal Volumes:
    • Retail startups led the deal volumes, followed closely by healthtech and fintech sectors, showcasing sectoral preferences.
  7. Fintech Leads in Deal Sizes:
    • Fintech and financial services attracted the highest deal sizes, underscoring the sector’s potential for women entrepreneurs.
  8. Delhi-NCR Outpaces Bengaluru:
    • Delhi-NCR surpassed Bengaluru in both deal volumes and sizes, marking a shift in the regional dynamics of women entrepreneurship.
  9. Prominent Women Angel Investors:
    • Notably, women angel investors played a significant role, infusing substantial capital into women-founded startups.
  10. Long-term Investment Trends:
    • Over the past 90 months, women investors contributed over $608 million across 325 deals, indicating a growing trend of women supporting women in the startup ecosystem.


As India strives for inclusive economic growth, fostering an environment conducive to women entrepreneurship is not just imperative but economically sound. Addressing systemic biases, bolstering investor confidence,

 and promoting sectoral diversity are critical steps towards harnessing the full potential of women entrepreneurs, thereby driving India’s journey towards sustainable prosperity.

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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