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Venture Capital Momentum: Weekly Funding Roundup (Jan 20-26) Reveals Steady Inflow

In the dynamic landscape of India’s vital manufacturing sector, a significant environmental concern looms large—emissions. Key industries like steel, cement, and chemicals play a pivotal role in contributing to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to an IMF Working Paper titled “A Framework for Climate Change Mitigation in India,” the country, being one of the world’s largest emitters, witnesses the highest emissions from the power sector at 37%, followed by agriculture at 21%, manufacturing at 17%, and transportation at 9%. This underscores the critical need for innovative solutions such as artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize manufacturing practices for enhanced sustainability.

Addressing this need is a startup leveraging AI to redefine how asset-heavy manufacturers navigate the intricate landscape of sustainability—a global business priority driven by environmental awareness, consumer demand, and regulatory pressures. Dr. Soudip Roy Chowdhury, Founder and CEO of, recounts how his personal experience with industrial emissions and health issues led him to establish Eugenie as an emissions intelligence platform.

Founded in 2018, Eugenie, based in California and Mumbai, enables major asset-heavy manufacturers to minimize Scope I emissions, working towards fulfilling their net-zero objectives. Scope I emissions refer to direct GHG emissions produced by a company. The startup’s Software as a Service (SaaS)-based platform offers a solution to track, trace, and reduce emissions at machine and process levels.

Eugenie employs AI-driven digital twins, virtual replicas enhanced by AI, to facilitate real-time or near real-time tracking of machine performance and emissions data. By precisely measuring and attributing emissions to individual machines and processes, the platform detects operational anomalies. This empowers CXOs and operations engineers to swiftly implement corrective actions and optimize production processes for reduced GHG emissions.

The startup’s clientele includes firms in various sectors such as ferrous, non-ferrous, petrochemical, food and beverage, and cement, all dedicated to reducing their GHG emissions. Some notable clients include Tata Steel, HPCL, Jabil, ExxonMobil, and Nexa Resources.

Eugenie differentiates itself through a comprehensive approach, encompassing emissions measurement, benchmarking, and actionable recommendations, making it a single-point solution for organizations. While facing the challenge of extended sales cycles lasting over seven months, the startup aims to instill urgency in prospects to expedite the sales process.

With a total investment of $4.4 million from Fractal AI, Eugenie is seeking its next round of funding as it expands its operations in the US, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa (MEA). The company’s growth plans include expanding its team from 21 to approximately 25 members by the end of the year. Eugenie is strategically collaborating with key partners, including major cloud service providers like Azure and Google Cloud, software implementers such as HP Enterprise, and consulting firms like EY.

As the environmental intelligence platform market is expected to surpass $3.28 billion by 2035, with a 13.3% CAGR from 2023 to 2035, and the global emission monitoring system market is anticipated to reach $5 billion by 2028, is on a mission to help manufacturers reduce harmful emissions and make a positive impact equivalent to taking 40 million cars off the roads annually. Dr. Chowdhury emphasizes the startup’s commitment to combating climate change and protecting future generations from its repercussions.

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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