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Inspired Capital Raises $330M Fund for Venture Capital Reinvention

Inspired Capital, a New York-based early-stage venture firm, marks its fifth anniversary by closing its Inspired Capital Fund III, securing a hefty $330 million in capital commitments. Founded in 2019 by entrepreneurs

Alexa von Tobel and Penny Pritzker, the firm’s milestone underscores its commitment to empowering fearless founders tackling humanity’s toughest challenges.

Founding Visionaries

Alexa von Tobel and Penny Pritzker, driven by a shared vision of transformative entrepreneurship, laid the foundation of Inspired Capital in 2019. With their inaugural fund of $200 million and subsequent Fund II of $281 million in 2021,

they set a precedent for innovative venture capital deployment. General partners Lucy Deland and Mark Batsiyan joined as co-founders, enriching the firm’s leadership with diverse expertise.

Fund III: A Testament to Growth 

Inspired Capital’s Fund III, backed by institutional investors including esteemed endowments, pensions, and foundations, marks a significant leap in the firm’s journey. Alexa von Tobel describes it as a “pinch-me moment,” signifying 

a steadfast commitment to identifying visionary entrepreneurs poised to redefine what’s achievable. With nearly $900 million in assets under management, the firm reinforces its position as a catalyst for impactful innovation.

Investment Strategy and Portfolio 

Inspired Capital distinguishes itself by nurturing fearless founders at the forefront of change. With investments ranging from pre-seed to Series A, the firm champions companies addressing humanity’s most pressing challenges. 

Noteworthy portfolio companies, including Habi, Teamshares, Rho, and Paytient, exemplify its commitment to fostering transformative solutions. The firm’s portfolio boasts over 50 companies, collectively raising $1.5 billion in follow-on capital.

Vision for an ‘Inspired Future’ 

Guided by a forward-thinking thesis of “An Inspired Future,” Inspired Capital remains steadfast in its pursuit of innovations driving global progress. From digitizing the industrial economy to redefining workforce dynamics, 

the firm embraces ventures poised to reshape society’s fabric. Alexa von Tobel emphasizes the importance of tackling substantial problems and seeking founders who reject the status quo, embodying the essence of true entrepreneurship.

As part of Fund III’s launch, Inspired Capital crafted a manifesto encapsulating its ethos and aspirations. Centered on fostering transformative companies unafraid of monumental risks, the manifesto reflects

 the firm’s commitment to catalyzing impactful change. By empowering visionary founders with unwavering support and partnership, Inspired Capital seeks to redefine the essence of venture capital, reverting to its foundational principles.


Inspired Capital’s $330 million Fund III not only signifies a financial milestone but also epitomizes a steadfast dedication to pioneering innovation. With a diverse portfolio and a visionary investment strategy,

 the firm continues to shape an “Inspired Future” where audacious entrepreneurs thrive. As it embarks on the next phase of its journey, Inspired Capital remains a beacon of hope for those daring to redefine what’s possible in the world of venture capital.

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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