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Revolutionizing Travel: The ePlane Company’s Flying Taxis Promise 10X Faster Journeys

Meet Prof. Satyanarayanan Chakravarthy, the visionary behind The ePlane Company, a startup aiming to revolutionize air travel with electric planes. Since 1998, Prof. 

Chakravarthy has been at the forefront of aerospace engineering and sustainable development, leading groundbreaking research at the National Centre for Combustion Research and Development (NCCRD) at IIT-M.

The Birth of a Vision: 

In 2017, Prof. Chakravarthy was struck by the idea of electrifying aircraft, inspired by the shift towards greener technologies in the automotive industry. 

With a determination to democratize air travel, The ePlane Company was born in 2019, with a mission to make flying as common as driving.

Funding and Growth: 

The ePlane Company has seen remarkable growth, raising $5.85 million in seed, Pre-Series A, and Series A rounds. Currently, 

it’s in discussions with investors for its upcoming Series B round, aiming to secure an additional $10 million to fuel its expansion and innovation.

The Innovative Fleet: 

The startup boasts a diverse fleet of electric planes, including the compact e6, the mid-sized cargo variant e50,

and the flagship e200, a two-seater flying electric taxi. Each prototype is designed to revolutionize air travel by offering sustainable and cost-effective solutions.

e6: Transforming Logistics: 

The e6, also known as Atva, is a compact electric plane equipped with a quiet electric motor and a payload capacity of up to 6kg. 

It’s revolutionizing logistics by offering sustainable and cost-effective transportation solutions.

e50: India’s Largest Drone: 

With the successful flight testing of the e50, The ePlane Company has introduced India’s largest drone capable of carrying up to 50 kgs payload. 

This mid-sized cargo variant is set to redefine cargo transportation with its efficiency and reliability.

e100: Cargo Variant of e200: 

The e100 is the cargo variant of the passenger-flying electric taxi e200, capable of ferrying up to 100kg payload per trip. It’s designed to meet the growing demand for efficient and sustainable cargo transportation solutions.

Vision for the Future: 

With its innovative lineup of electric aircrafts, The ePlane Company envisions a future where air travel is not only accessible but also environmentally sustainable. 

By reducing reliance on fossil fuels and embracing green technologies, the company aims to transform the way people commute, ushering in a new era of sustainable aviation.


As The ePlane Company continues to push the boundaries of innovation in the aerospace industry, it stands as a beacon of hope for a greener and more efficient future of air travel. 

With its visionary leadership and groundbreaking technology, the company is poised to revolutionize the way we fly, making sustainable aviation a reality for generations to come.

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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