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VC Funding in Q1 2024 Sees 22% Decline; Bengaluru Emerges as Top City with $1 Billion Investment

Venture capital (VC) funding into Indian startups for the first quarter (Q1) of the 2024 calendar year dropped by 22% compared to the same period last year, reflecting a continued slowdown in capital inflow.

Overview of VC Funding:

Indian startups raised a total of $2.5 billion in VC funding in Q1 2024, down from $3.2 billion in Q1 2023. Additionally, funding declined by 4.6% compared to Q4 2023, primarily due to fewer large deals.

Key Deals:

In Q1 2024, only seven deals surpassed the $50 million mark, with Capillary Technologies leading the pack with $140 million. Other notable deals include Vivifi, Arzoo, Krutrim, Shadowfax, Perfios, and Ambit Finvest, while Wow Momo and Sharechat raised $49 million each.


The drop in VC funding indicates the persistence of a funding winter in the Indian startup ecosystem. However, despite the decline in funding amount, the number of deals signed in Q1 2024 remained relatively stable, suggesting ongoing activity.

Distribution Across Stages:

Funding distribution across stages reveals a balance between early and growth-stage startups, with early-stage companies securing $795 million across 229 deals, and growth-stage startups raising $790 million through 43 deals. Late-stage companies attracted the most substantial investments.

Sectoral Breakdown:

Fintech emerged as the leading sector in terms of capital inflow, followed by Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Direct-to-Consumer (D2C). Other sectors such as electric vehicles (EV), social, logistics, and food also received significant funding.

City-wise Distribution:

Bengaluru emerged as the top city for VC funding, securing $1 billion, followed by Delhi-NCR ($681 million) and Mumbai ($419 million). Hyderabad, Chennai, and Pune also attracted significant investments.

Unicorn Growth:

Krutrim and Perfios joined the unicorn club in Q1 2024, with expectations for more startups to reach the $1 billion valuation mark. However, the current funding landscape signifies a reset, with startups facing increased scrutiny and valuations returning to more reasonable levels.


The current funding scenario presents challenges for startups, with capital becoming less readily available. However, those with solid business models are expected to navigate the landscape successfully. As investors adopt a more cautious approach, startups that demonstrate resilience and value proposition are likely to attract funding.

Read More On: Thestartupscoup.Com

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